Y bbm symbol

BBM Symbol Meanings
How to add new symbols to bbm name?.
Smartphones > RIM BlackBerry Phones some of my friends have received some other symbols wingdings or webdings idk which I would like to know thoi as well for

How do you make BBM codes? Not the flags.
What bbm smiley is (y) ? - Yahoo! Answers
Y bbm symbol
BlackBerry Messenger Symbols Meanings BBM extra symbols - SprintUsers.com.BBM extra symbols - SprintUsers.com.
06.07.2011 · Best Answer: a (y) isnt a smiley. Its a Thumbs up symbol :p
18.05.2010 · Best Answer: You have to know how to write code for those types of things.
I noticed that some of my contacts have symbols (lightning bolt, spades) next to their names that are not avlbl on the symbols list. Does anyone know how to add these